'CS/Android'에 해당되는 글 2건

  1. 2010.04.16 build된 SDK 사용시 W/ResourceType(31706): Unable to get buffer of resource asset file 에러
  2. 2010.04.16 ETC ...

build된 SDK 사용시 W/ResourceType(31706): Unable to get buffer of resource asset file 에러

CS/Android 2010. 4. 16. 14:01
원문 : Using the Android SDK tools

When building you might run into the Unable to get buffer of resource asset file error. 
The root cause of this is that the new android resource file resources.arsc is larger than the aapt tool allows. 
You can exchange the .arsc file inside android.jar with an older version or patch the aapt tool by editing frameworks/base/include/utils/Asset.h.
Change both lines UNCOMPRESS_DATA_MAX = 1 * 1024 * 1024 to something bigger. As the new resources file currently has a size of 2.3Mb you should change the lines (both lines mind you) to at least 3*1024*1024.

ETC ...

CS/Android 2010. 4. 16. 13:57
1. 부분 compile
참조 : android pub
$source build/envsetup.sh
$mmm packages/apps/Contacts
$make snod
$make sdk

2. tools/emulator 환경설정(빌드 이미지)
export ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT=/android_source_path/out/target/product/generic

3. eclipse .classpath 위치
$cp /android_source_path/development/ide/eclipse/.classpath /android_source_path/.
(eclipse에서 직접 android 소스 받는 방법 추가)

4. .apk
설치 : adb install apkfilename
삭제 : adb uninstall pakeagename
재설치 : adb install -r apkfilename